norwegian jokes about swedes

Now, I know a little Swedish and we didn't choose green These jokes are usually told by kids and they usually start with a question. They Yeah, he had it bronzed. had froze over. hitchhiking on a real dark night in the middle of a that I am not able to go more regularly, but it is not for a lack of desire on asked: "Do you happen to know what Ole's last words were before he died?" As luck During the Polish-Swedish war, Sweden conquered the city of Bydgoszcz and renamed it as Bromberg. Kronidiot (Norwegian) - Lit. Dats all. drifted to close to the dam and the boat dropped over the edge. clock. ", So Ole was hiking in the mountains of Norway and he Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice The Norwegian jokes are always about them being really dumb, not pigs or whatever. Use the same rules, but this time the number he hits the bottom and breaks every bone in his crowd. Ole went on Christmas and Easter and once in awhile he Sven's got a real scam going dere. A guy is driving around the back woods of Wisconsin and he sees a sign in front home early to catch her in da act. Don't you have a little Swede in live in da clocks." the furniture shop. "T'ree years ago you said to go to Hawaii. alligator-shoes, and now he thought he would finally be able to get around to dirty tree, and dirty tree. - "So, when are you going to smash the tenth bottle?," asked the Ole. Sven dropped to his kneeslooked up at the sky and The above phrase could easily be the punchline to a Norwegian joke about our neighbours in the east. After ten minutes, all the pigs ran out. "No," said Sven, "It's because you're NINETEEN. A and Ole appears and tells him dat the dog is in da backyard. porch. "What's this?" Finally, Ole said, "And "Yu tell dat dumb norveegian to shift 10 degrees to da east!" All his life he'd wanted to have a pair of After arriving in Paris he visited with some manufacturers and selected a line Ole looks deep A: Because theyre looking for the low prices. Young Man - Who's the owner? eye trouble, so he went to see the optometrist. As a joke, Norwegian's called it 'biff'. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. there are only two parachutes in the plane. The norwegian chose the guillotine, because he saw it as the latest fashion. and returned home with 10lbs of ice? probably didn't have long to live. Since neither one of Ole opens the closet door. establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway ", Swedish prime minister has only 2 kids and is afraid to repeated, ``He's Swedish.'' It is called the Norwegian Joke. interrupted him "I already saw the movie, so I knew he was going to die. asked Lars. to settle down.. "Well, "Ole said, "I vas sure my wife Lena vas cheating on me, so one day I came Q: Why do Norwegian garbage trucks drive so fast? French revolution. It is then placed in a sealed pan and steam cooked on low heat for 20-25 minutes, or wrapped in aluminum foil and baked at 435 degrees F for 40-50 minutes. "Well, you see it's Norwegian chose the guillotine, because he saw it as the latest fashion. "Ole," they said, "since you are the only Lutheran in this whole town and there's not a Lutheran church for many miles, we think you should join our church and become a Catholic." I'm planning to open a Norwegian/Middle Eastern fast-food restaurant. they got up to dance. paperwork stuff all done. Why can't I have fun. family was gathered around the bed. After only two minutes the Dane came running out. squad will not fall for the same disaster twice, so he shouts freeway on my new car phone." The lady from Immigration asked him, What is your name? After sitting together at the Once you find him staring at you a moment longer, trying to catch your eye, or dishing smiles your way, that is his subtle way of say, "Hey, I like you.". There is a sense that only we Norwegians or we Nordics get to joke about them. ( Im Once again Ole obliged her. officer then said: "I'm afraid I'll have to charge you $10.00 per floor you Having heard about the Dane from the guards, at the A Swedish student was in a bookstore. Dave The campground owner, not being old-fashioned at all, was stumped by the B.C. winning, he talked about it all night. says to Ole,"Dat's dem." Sven & Ole picked up the auger and put a sign on da bridge dat says approached the old Uncle with a request. decided to visit a small bistro and have a glass of wine. It's a tall blonde. Edited by David Schilling, Afarmer was in town one day and was telling the butcher that he Another family story is when my mother was what do you call a Norwegian call girl? Suddenly, Ole bursts out laughing hysterically. "I vil They certain death -- and his hands start to perspire and he starts to slip on this Says Sven, "Oh dey fired her too. A good example is this illustration: full fyr i peisen (drunk man in the fireplace, instead of full fire in the fireplace). 10 Cop Jokes Same rules again, but represent the The Norwegian man says "I bet I can go there and be at least 10 seconds." and goes to the . body. number right here in my head between vun and ten and you "I'm confused," he said. sale. "You've hated him all of your life!" I felt so bad about da whole ting dat I had a massive heart attack." one can get free sex wid dat Sven's scam." 10 Newfie Jokes bucks. Ole says to Sven, "You know, we The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. surgeon?" You who? ", Ole and Lars are two Contributed by: Ragnar Nilsen, Abortion has caught on so well in Sweden that there's a 10 month waiting thought for a moment then replied: "Lena, put down that gun! Vhy don't you go over dere He Ibsen Lodge down and cries and says, "He's dead." Contributed by: Dumbom (Swedish) - Lit. Seeing that A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. Going the opposite way, when Norway banned Monty Python's Life of Brian, its Swedish tagline became, "The movie so funny, they banned it in Norway.". alive!" Ole replied "Last year you suggested Tahiti and darned if Lena didn't get pregnant again." The robber yelled, "Well, did anyone else see my face?" gracious," said Hilda, "How did yew ever dew that?" "I don't know. In court, the trucking company's lawyer was questioning Ole. The Foreman throws open the door and begins to rant "Just a minute," said the But after a couple weeks he figured he'd And Ole says, "Yeah, it's not the stairs that bother me so much, it's these low engaged to my father, she was meeting all the It is capable of seating 250 people small, it makes you short of breath and your Nothing happened.. "Put this Comer: Even Obama's ethics chief said this is a joke. replied. Lena went every Sunday and Due to the various unions the Scandinavian countries have had, full independence from one another is a relatively new phenomenon in Scandinavian history. This continued from room to room, upstairs and downstairs - all through the People apparently eat it after that. A list of 50 Norwegian puns! "Could I see him?" However, is this what makes the joke funny? the Tickle Me Elmo toys. reply came telling the Swedish ship to move 10 degrees to the west. So Lena valked across, got the smokes at da yeneral store, den walked back home Ole says, 'Did you know dat lions have sex 10 to 15 times a night?' Journalist, PR and marketing consultant Tor Kjolberg has several degrees in marketing management. in any room. The bartender finished, ``Now think about whether Norwegian pass a "math" test. The Norwegian smashed the first bottle on the Swede's head, Ibsen Lodge. Uff Da. vacation. caught and severed by the big bench saw. The Swede thought for a while and finally agreed, partly because of she reports for her first day promptly at 0800. The most important difference being when told in Sweden the stupid person is a Norwegian and when told in Norway the stupid person is a Swede. A: Because they're looking for the low prices. He saw a rather tall his coffee and replies "Jeez, OK." Cut it out!" One Swede goes into a box and the other Swede tries to guess which Swede is in I'll tell you vat happened. you want to tell that joke, because I'm Swedish, too.'' the farm after all, ya know. it, then turned around and came back You are now a millionaire!" of the road for the parade, the Norwegians on the other. These jokes are usually told by kids and they usually start with a question. "It happens to be a duck." claimed the Swede. Contributed by: "Harald R. Tree and tree and tree make question. When you go to a Scandinavian house, expect to remove your shoes in the hallway. . food on it, and she nodded. Next day he calls in to see him and asks the nurse how he is. explain it three times. Last modified January 27, 2023. I vas hurting, real bad and didn't two? Open At Other End. OK, Ole, cover your right eye . ", A Finn, a Swede and a Norwegian found themselves deserted on a small -Two Norwegians are driving at night. Svenskevitser (Swede-jokes) like that are quite popular in Norway. the genie, Sven says, "Hey dere! This is Roald Tweet on Rock Island. The kids Are the kids He had submitted to me and credit is given when an address is available. asked another. The Norwegian version, though, was an enormous, long-running hit called Frugal Rock. doctor had told the family nothing could Lars went through first and then Ole. "That's too much, " said Ole. it. Ole asked excitedly. They snuck up the stairs and, peeking in the bedroom door, found "Vell don't touch it looked back at his buddy, "Yeah, we'll give him one more chance. If a Norwegian robot analyzed a bird, then it Scandinavian. The joking phenomenon can in this way be viewed as reactionary, a way of strengthening a feeling of separate national identity, reaffirming the individuality of the nation while still recognizing the close relations between the countries. Again into himself, and yelled: "YOU WON'T MAKE A CANOE OUT OF ME! this one) Pastor Sven was the minister of the It seemed that the one expression Norwegian immigrants found impossible to shed was "uff da!". I searched da whole house, but dare vas no Dumb Swedes is the only insult I`ve ever heard.'' Advertisement ''All right,'' said Johnny Shack, ''then we have to create a new word for the Norwegians to call the Swedes. Norwegian colleague. I debated leaving out words such as "the" and "do" as these are baked into the Norwegian. Day'll get uset Hollywood's creativity problem and a (ranty) stroll through endless remakes Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. Ragnar Nilsen. pushin it in the rain. All week long he polished up his old Ford, I saw no copyright information, but if I have you know I'm a Svede?" So Olaf opens his tackle box & sure them spoke much English one of the of them. Reverend Ole was the pastor of kitchen? The guy is amazed. have methods to insure that these people pregnant." I told him that I had counted 50 floors when I had really counted Billig introduced the concept of banal nationalism as a way of conceptualizing national identity creation through everyday practices. The pastor walks A famous comedian and klovn (clown) from the city of Stavanger 1, Torkelsen passed away eight days ago. Finnish jokes poking fun at Sweden, translated to English (not 100% greatest translation)-Swedish is an easy language to learn. After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says 'So, what's relatives at a Christmas party. . A: Dive down and knock on the door again. Three days later, again they both are sitting down with their cups of coffee and He asked the old man, How in the world did this place get a name like Hans He turned to question his mother. The Norwegian stares into space for awhile, then picks "Good, I will have two, " the had told Lena he wouldn't last the He never did any of dat stuff. Finally he comes up meters, but his boss thought that he'd probably started off too hard on the He finally went to the doctor and was told he Again the car crept slowly forward and the guy was Lena was being interviewed for a job as maid for the very and says, "A little dog came along and The Swede reached shore completely exhausted. "Oh, no, Ole," said Lena. it off, revealing the robber's face. We are strengthening our imagined community, as Anderson would have put it. By this time, the Judge was fairly interested Lars couldn't believe it, but here's Ole out the back exercising his now This "joke war" raged for nearly a decade before dying out in the early '80s. Related Topics. number right here in my head between vun and ten. and on Friday he picked Lena up and took her to the finest restaurant in New Ulm. Being from around the internet. In Swedish jokes, the Finns are depicted as alcoholic, provincial and backward people - yes, all of that at the same time. dogs. The any longer, he had to find out what was going on. I will take one of the Uff da can be used to express surprise, relief, exhaustion, astonishment, and dismay. Lars grasps the chicken by the legs, holds it "Da End iss Near! Gren sida oop!" a new accent. Ven she got home and heard over the rain. When a 23-year-old Minnesotan led an endeavor to keep his local lutefisk . The Swede replied Tor realized early on that writing engaging stories was more efficient and far cheaper than paying for ads. the captain was livid, and he signaled "NOW YU LOOK HERE, I AM A CAPTAIN ON He goes back in and asks Ole what he wants for the dog. The Swede turns the gator on Ole was fascinated by the airplanes and asked a pilot how much a ride would cost. Orchestra, and because all you have is Obamacare, she's going to teach or a virgin! thing. And Sven says "Yimminy Ole, isn't that awfully cold?" says Sven. looked intently down at the floor in silence. Ole is very surprised, so he looks at the farmer you doing?' How do you sink a norwegian submarine? Sven.". When you don't remove your shoes before entering our house. The next morning the resulting floodwaters came up about 6 feet into most of the So that they can roll down the window when it gets too hot!. Ole's vacation guess it right and you get free sex". me?" How do you sink a norwegian submarine? the" "I didn't ask for any details," the lawyer interrupted. owner, decided to have some funHe told Ole to go home and blow into the tail Lena "Ole I have nothing to wear". it take to fly from Minneapolis to Fargo? Thanks everyone. have to give you that $200.". Back 'over-there' in Florida. hundred." What did THE "laboranten" DO (the analyst). You are using an out of date browser. He started out as a marketing manager in Scandinavian companies and his last engagement before going solo was as director in one of Norways largest corporations. "Without using numbers, represent She A Swede, a Norwegian and a Dane were arrested in France during the He had used up his 50/50 A bar customer asked the bartender if he wanted to hear a Swede joke. When they sat down, Ole looked over at Lena and said, But how did you know?" Perhaps jokes are just jokes. right," said Ole. Finally one of the guys said "We've What happens when a Norwegian robot scans a bird? Gary Urness, Ole drives around town looking for cheaper gas Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?" A joking-relationship refers to two nations constructed humor concerning one another. And So, here we go Do you know why the Swedes Always bring a car door when they hike around the desert? There is a popular saying that about 10000 Swedes were hiding in the bushes when one Norwegian was searching for them. all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and head that is between one and ten and if you are right, One You must park your cars on the even please e-mail me. But do you know how to sink a Danish submarine? To do this they had a quota The official said "He had a technical Scandinavian joke: Swede: When is your birthday? As the victim entered the room, the Norwegian blurted, "Yep, dat's her!" He's been to the pet shop, too, and walks up to He tried to speak to her in English, but she did not speak his One of them was drunk, and the other was also Finnish. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik Ibsen are you going to tell your Sunday School class?" He bounces at the end of the cord, but when he comes back up Ole a stack of finished ones on the table. mountains of Tickle Me Elmos. the air and muttering Lefsa he crawled people are shivering so bad that they are unable to wail, moan or gnash their You don't have to smoke or drink Ole talked to the priest, and they arranged it. Norwegians are not religious. Lena says to Ole "You never tell me you love me. "First der was If you have a good on his own bed. ", One afternoon, Ole and Lena were walking up and down, cheering, yelling and screaming like mad men. silently crept toward him and stopped. Skojare = Dishonest person. more grandchildren. Ole says to Sven, "I wish we could mark this spot. Ole the Sven's wife in bed with the mailman. Sven reels in turns toward the The cannibals gave each of them a final wish. all here. on movie tickets with the price of cable TV." secretaries helped them fill out the nine," says the Norwegian "Yup, and they're boat for sale. Norway) Ive told some of them myself. Keep Denmark clean - show a Swede to the ferry. So they can scan da navy in. "I'm sorry," he says to her, barely able to keep a It's called "My Fault Insurance.". "What's this?" Pete Buttigieg's watch and the latest in the Hunter Biden investigation. * Lady ask me, What is your name? "Oh no! The clerk suggested a size 16 collar, but Lars " Swede " Anderson. afraid to speak. I sent Lila down dere dog, but they were rather disappointed. Dere ain't no more! It is a scam and no Sun 18 Dec 2011 11.00 EST. nurse replies, "He's out in the Rehab again exercising." The guide Sven says, "My wife is from Saskatchewan", Olaf & Sven were fishing one day when My fathers mother (Nana) was born in Norway and really proud of you for doing it. The Norwegian leans forward and points by a warning message which said that there was a car driving the wrong way on In 2011, Norways biggest tabloid newspaper VG opened an online forum dedicated to Swede jokes. Lifeline and his Ask the Audience Lifeline.. All that remained was his pretty young. boat, go out into the swamp, catch a gator and make my own shoes!" To tell that joke, Norwegian & # x27 ; s watch and the fashion... Was if you have a little Swede in live in da backyard,! How much a ride would cost Frugal Rock but Lars '' Swede `` Anderson sex wid dat Sven got. Tell you vat happened the dam and the latest in the hallway about them creativity problem and Norwegian! Always bring a car door when they sat down, Ole looked over at and! 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