how many wives did prophet yusuf have

Muhammad ibn Ishaaq (may Allah have mercy on him) who said: With regard to Yoosuf saying to the King, Your Lord is Knowing, Wise" (Qur'an, Surah 12 (Yusuf) Ayat 56). She allowed her desires to overcome her love for Allah. Answer 2 Jacob had four wives, although. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account [65] "All the Arabic commentaries on Surat Yusuf include explanations and discussions of lexicography and grammar to clarify the literal meaning of the Qurnic story of Joseph. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Chapter 27: One who gives up his beloved to avoid a haraam Ibn Kathir mentions that his mother had already died but there are some who argue that she came back to life. None of his advisors could interpret it. land to take possession therein when or where he wanted, and subdued for him Can you please tell me, how many wives our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had, with their names and reference from the Sunnah? They raced for the door she tore his shirt from behind and at the door they met her husband. He summoned his men and said, Indeed, I have seen seven fat cows being eaten by seven [that were] lean, and seven green spikes [of grain] and others [that were] dry. The Holy Qur'an has mentioned his story in a beautiful chapter entitled . Yusuf knew by just focusing on being the best he could, treating people right and with respect, doing more than what was requested that Allah would take care of him. He resorted to prayer for comfort for he knew that only Allah could ease his pain. O eminent ones, explain to me my vision, if you should interpret visions. The cupbearer, who immediately remembered his companion in prison, informed the King of Yusuf and his impeccable dream interpretations. [41], Scholars debate as to whether Joseph agreed to interpret the dream right away or if he declared that his name should be cleared in the house of Azz first. Joseph also represents the eternal beauty as it is manifested in the created world. All his children were born to her, except Ibrahim. Hafsah bint Umar Yusuf was overjoyed at the sight of his companion and knew that this was indeed the plan of Allah. Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam. [14], Joseph did not tell his brothers about his dream, unlike in the version relayed in the Hebrew Bible, but their dislike of him was already too strong to subdue. Narrated by al-Bukhari, 4005. Questions cannot be asked through this form. 9. The Prophet Yaqub (Peace be upon Him) had great affection for them. Yusuf initially called them to Allah, then interpreted, The wife of Al-Azeez was trapped. [53], When Jacob receives the shirt, this time as good news, Jacob lays it on his face and regains his vision. And she was very reluctant to give him back to Jacob and kept him until her death. If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars, advised the cousin. The brothers eventually outpowered Yusuf and threw him down the well and rushed back home. Meanwhile, Yusuf managed to cling onto a stone ledge, he prayed fervently to Allah to grant him salvation. Prophet Yusuf (AS) had 11 brothers. dismissed Itfeer from his post. Hence, she asked Yusuf to show himself to these women and because of his beauty they cut their hands. Views : Yusuf ibn Ya'qub ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim (Arabic: , romanized:Ysuf ibn Yaqb ibn Isq ibn Ibrhm, lit. Prophet Yusuf (AS) had 11 brothers. rather it seems that it was taken from the People of the Book, and we have Most importantly, though, Joseph is admired as a great preacher of the Islamic faith, who had an extremely strong commitment to God and one who tried to get people to follow the path of righteousness. Many scholars of Islam report this point in the story as being central (contrasting to other religious traditions) to Joseph's story. According to most sources she was about 40 and Muhammad about 25 when they married. Yusuf [alayhi as'salam] was a prophet of Allah who was in control of his desires. According to abari, some time later, even though Azz knew that Joseph was innocent, he "grew disgusted with himself for having let Joseph go free It seemed good to them to imprison him for a time. Distressed, Zulaika planned to prove to them her helpless reaction to Yusufs extraordinary handsomeness. Umm Salamah bint Abi Umayyah Yusuf then spoke to them in their native language, Do you know what you did with Yusuf and his brother when you were ignorant? It didnt take long for the brothers to realise that this was indeed their long lost brother and began to tremble in fear. The Quran tells the stories of the prophets in order to makeProphet Muhammads heart firm and for us to draw lessons from their lives. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. relationship and then was enabled to be with his beloved in a halaal way, or 'Prophet of God'), the son of a Nabiyyillah, the son of a Nabiyyillah, the son of Khalilillah (Arabic: , lit. Here, he was auctioned and sold as a slave to the highest bidder who happened to be the treasurer, Al-Azeez. Muslim (918) narrated that Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: There is no person who is faced with a calamity and says Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon, Allahumma ujurni fi musibati w'ukhluf li khayran minha (Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return; O Allah, reward me in this calamity and compensate me with something better than it) but Allah will reward him in his calamity and will compensate him with something better than that. She said: When Abu Salamah died, I said what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had commanded me, and Allah compensated me with someone better than him: the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The soldiers cried, O caravan, indeed you are thieves. The brothers were shocked! Jacob is very reluctant to give up Joseph and thus favors him when they are together. One of the brothers, often Reuben, is said to have threatened Joseph that he would yell so loudly that every pregnant woman would immediately deliver her child. Reuben stays behind with Benjamin in order to keep his promise to his father. [63], "The Story of Joseph" is a running narrative, but the esoteric commentaries fill in gaps in the story, make connections and identifying characters. I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me! him humbly asking for a halaal relationship, so he married her and when he The whole story is a trial from Allah for Prophet Yusuf. It is said that Joseph was 30 when he was summoned to the king. They were awarded a warm reception. Upon their return Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and gives them one of his shirts to give to Jacob. Most of the stories of the prophets are repeated more than once throughout the Quran. How many daughter prophet yusuf haVE? If You do not protect me from their treachery, I shall yield to them and do wrong, and his Lord answered his prayer and protected him from their treachery He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.} Hazrat Yusuf knew that if he forgave them he would. Juwayriyah bint al-Harith "[70] The love story itself is also a central theme in Sufi discussions. It also shows the way for Muslims to fight temptations. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married her when he was twenty-five years old, and he did not take another wife until after she died. Muhammad at-abari provides detailed commentary of this narrative in his chapter on Joseph, relaying the opinions of well-known scholars. Al-Bukhari (5077) also narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not marry any virgin apart from her. Prophet Stories The Qur'anic account differs from the Biblical version in which Potiphar believes his wife and throws Joseph into prison. The final verse of this chapter stresses the fact there is a lot to learn from the stories of the Prophets: {There is a lesson in the stories of such people for those who understand.} (12:96). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. He had intercourse with her when she was nine years old. abari notes that when the messenger came to Joseph and invited him to come to the king, Joseph replied "Go back to your lord and ask him about the case of the women who cut their hands. The Prophet Yaqub (Peace be upon Him) along with the whole family proceeded towards Egypt on the invitation of his son. the wife of al-Azeez, and she and the other women attested to his In difficult situations, we should put our trust in God and seek refuge in Him. At that point she attempted to blame Joseph and suggested that he had attacked her. He took their solemn oath to safeguard him. Allah compensated him with some one better, as Yoosuf al-Siddeeq avoided the Indeed, the only story that is mentioned once and in one complete chapter is the story of Prophet Joseph, Yusuf (peace be upon him). However, Joseph said that it was Zolay who had attempted to seduce him and his account is confirmed by one of the household. 8. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married her when he was twenty-five years old, and he did not take another wife until after she died. "[70] All the commentaries of this tradition spend time on the themes of preordination and God's omnipotence. She made a very clear statement that it was she who seduced him but he resisted the temptation. (Qur'an, 12:4749) Joseph was brought to king and interpreted the dream. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. She closed the doors and made the environment suitable for her purpose. I said: If you wish, I will marry Hafsah bint Umar to you. When the people came to know of that, they set free their own prisoners, so as to honour the in-laws of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The women who had their hands cut, spoke of Yusufs innocence before the King, Allah forbid! they have divorced them) [al-Ahzab 33:37]. Noon, and Rahmah the wife of Ayyoob (peace be upon him). Islamic Teachings Joseph, as a figure, is symbolic of the virtue of beauty his life being a thing of beauty in itself. Tabaqat Ibn Sad, narrating from al-Waqidi, 8/52-53; Ibn Kathir in al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah, 3/149. How many wives did Prophet Yusuf have? [22] But the brothers insisted. "[63] He is an archetype of wisdom and faith, although arguably still human (as is shown in his interactions with his brothers when in Egypt). They traveled far, in pursuit of a well deep enough to throw their brother in. The noblest, the most exalted, the greatest of them was Joseph." [4] He narrated to him, You will plant for seven years consecutively; and what you harvest leave in its spikes, except a little from which you will eat. Such portrayals are found in many genres of Islamic literatures, but are most famous in Nr al-Dn Abd al-Ramn Dijm's [q.v.] [13] Ya'qub foresaw that Yusuf would be one through whom the prophecy of his grandfather, Ibrahim (Abraham), would be fulfilled, in that his offspring would keep the light of Abraham's house alive and spread God's message to mankind. Yusuf, fearing Allah, replied, [I seek] refuge in Allah. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "[33] It is also said that after the death of Azz, Joseph married Zolay.[32]. Muslims should guard themselves against the plots made by their enemies by asking Gods for help and not surrendering to temptations. "[25] The section that describes Joseph's revelation in the well is interpreted by Ibn 'Abbas: "When they were unaware" (12:15) means "you will tell them about what they did in a situation in which they will not recognize you. Then Abu Bakr met me and said: Perhaps you felt upset when you offered Hafsah in marriage to me and I did not reply? Did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) have nine wives or eleven? intercourse with her and she bore him two sons: Afraeem ibn Yoosuf and guard them with full knowledge [Yoosuf 12:55], "Jusuf" redirects here. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. (Qur'an 12:22) Ibn Khathir described Yusuf AS as obedient, polite and exceedingly handsome. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. And (with passion) did she desire him, and he would have desired her, but that he saw the evidence of his Lord: thus (did We order) that We might turn away from him (all) evil and shameful deeds: for he was one of Our servants, sincere and purified. Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links: 5 Practical Steps to Understand The Quran, When a Prophet Is Jailed: How Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) Coped. According to the Encyclopedia of Iranic, much of this comes from the Esra'Illiyat, that is, traditions drawn from the body of knowledge about Biblical events and people shared by Christians, Jews, and early Muslims. His father loved him dearly. He had four wives; Leah, his first wife (also the first cousin). Yusuf harvested and stored crops during the seven years of fertility. Yaqub sent all his sons except Binyamin to Egypt to purchase provisions. al-Tabari in Jaami al-Bayaan, 16/151. 11. 6. Her obsession heightened to a degree where she was desperate to fulfil her desire. So they retrieved him and sold him into slavery in Misr (Arabic: , lit. Two of Yusufs cell mates, mesmerized by his piety, sought him to have their dreams explained. Soon, he instructed his sons to return to the Kings land and inquire about their brother. However, other scholars, especially women scholars such as Barbara Freyer Stowasser, think this interpretation is demeaning of womenperhaps believing that this seeks to show that women do not have the same connection. As Kisai, one of the foremost writers on the lives of the Qurnic prophets, states, this was also evident in the fact that Joseph was given a staff of light with five branches. Maysha ibn Yoosuf. When the women were happily chatting away while slicing fruits, Zulaika summoned Yusuf. to take possession therein when or where he wanted, and the woman came to Join us for our live email series three times a week. "[40], The king had a dream of seven fat cows being eaten by seven skinny ones and seven ears of corn being replaced with shriveled ones, and he was terrified. action, and Allah compensated him by giving him full authority in the land The noblest, the most exalted, the greatest of them was Joseph. Yusuf (Joseph) was the beloved son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob), who also had 11 other sons. abari demonstrates this by adding that they said to each other, "verily Joseph and his brother (Benjamin) are dearer to our father than we are, though we may be a troop ('usbah). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The Surah also highlights the way dominion is actually established, in that God is al-Latif (Arabic: , lit. rewarded him for the hardship of prison and gave him full authority in the "[13], Ya'qub told Yusuf: "My son, relate not thy vision to thy brothers, lest they concoct a plot against thee: for Satan is a clear enemy to humanity. We do not ask about this." Why did prophet Muhammad (pbuh) have so many wives? us on instagram: Two of them died during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), namely Khadijah and Zaynab bint Khuzaymah (may Allah be pleased with them both). He reminded her of her husbands favors on him. "They said: "If the wolf were to devour him while we are (so large) a party, then should we indeed (first) have perished ourselves! They envied Yusuf because they felt he was special and they were not. 'best (or most beautiful) of stories')." After that, a year will come that brings relief for the people, and they will, once again, press juice." And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. [45], The King (of Egypt) said: "I do see (in a vision) seven fat kine, whom seven lean ones devour, and seven green ears of corn, and seven (others) withered. Mujahid, a scholar, says that it was Simeon and Suddi says it was Judah while Qatadah and Ibn Is-haq says that it was the eldest, Ruben. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. With the passage of time, the malice in the hearts of Yusufs brothers kept growing. the king said: I will do that. When Jacob learned of this, he tore his clothes, wore a black cloak, and was sad for many days. She invited them to her home and gave them all apples, and knives to peel them with. wife of al-Azeez for the sake of Allah, and chose prison over immoral As has been noted, commentary never fails to mention Ysuf's beauty a strong theme in post-urnic literature. That was also narrated by al-Suyooti in al-Durr [5] In addition to the role of God in his life, the story of Yusuf and Zulaikha (Potiphar's wife of the Old Testament) became a popular subject in Persian literature, where it became considerably elaborated over the centuries. He was the custodian of storehouse in Egypt. "He also epitomizes the chastity that is based on complete trust in God, for it was his absolute piety that prompted God to personally intervene to prevent him from the transgression of succumbing to sexual temptation. 'The Dear One of Egypt'), Joseph moves to a high position in his household. or where he likes [Yoosuf 12:56]. abari says that this means that "from the truth of the interpretation of Joseph's dream in which he saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon bowing down to him, he knew that which they did not know. The king who was greatly impressed by Yusufs honest mannerisms and his pleasant personality led him to being appointed as the storekeeper over the storehouses across his land. There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Muhammad's life is traditionally delineated by two epochs: pre-hijrah Mecca, a city in western Arabia, from the year 570 to 622 CE, and post-hijrah in Medina, from 622 until his death in 632. According to another report: when Abu Salamah died, I said: Who is better than Abu Salamah, the Companion of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)? May Allah be pleased with them all. Therefore God revealed to him: "Since you did not alight for the slaves and those walking barefoot with you, I will punish you by selling one of your descendants into his country.""[27]. When Abraham was close to death, he placed it in a covering and gave it to Ishaq who passed it to Yaqub. It relates: "in Joseph and his brothers are signs for those who seek answers. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. (Al-Bukhari) Khadijah was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad, whom she met as a widow of a wealthy merchant but had become prosperous in her own right. Contents 'Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham') is a prophet mentioned in the Quran,[1] and corresponds to Joseph, a person from the Tanakh, the Jewish religious scripture, and the Christian Bible, who was estimated to have lived in Egypt before the New Kingdom. The King sent off his cupbearer to prison to meet with Yusuf and inquire about the peculiar dream. In the Qur'an, the title of the Ruler of Egypt during the time of Joseph is specifically said to be "the King" (Arabic: al-Malik) while the Ruler of Egypt during the time of Moses is specifically said to be "Pharaoh" (Arabic: Firaun, though as a name without the definite article). Zulaika seized the moment to announce that this was the man for whom she was blamed. The Qurn, however, reminds human beings to remain focused on submission to God."[78]. They focus on smaller details, not big-picture meaning."[66]. [56] According to Islamic tradition, the biblical Joseph is buried in Hebron, next to the Cave of the Patriarchs where a medieval structure known as Arabic: Yussuf-Kalah, lit. They lie and say that the one most loved by their father, meaning Joseph, died in the desert. The Story of Prophet Yusuf and the Wife of al-Aziz. This is commentary, but, as is the profession of commentators, this provides an interesting setup to Joseph's personal story and also lays a foundation for future interaction with his brothers, particularly Benjamin. Thus your Lord has selected you and given you the knowledge to interpret reports, and has perfected his blessing upon you and upon the family of Jacob just as he perfected it on your forefathers before: Ibrahim and Is-haq (Isaac). He put blood on the coat of Joseph. Jacob advised Joseph to keep the dream to himself in order to protect him from the jealousy of his brothers, who were already unhappy about the love Jacob felt for Joseph. Who bought Prophet Yusuf? Zulaikha, like you and I, was not. "[42] Ibn Kathir agrees with abari saying that Joseph sought "restitution for this in order that Azz might know that he was not false to him during his absence" and that Zolay eventually confessed that nothing happened between them. See answer (1) Best Answer Copy his first wife's name is hasinath, but Allahu alam where the name came from. claim that an Islamic cleric, Sheikh Yussuf (Joseph) Dawiqat, was buried there two centuries ago. The news of this incident spread in the city. [79] The Qur'an remains silent on the ultimate fate of Zolay. [70], Judaeo-Persian literature had strong influences on medieval Islamic writings as well. truly (thy husband) is my lord! Yusuf, however, refused to leave prison until his innocence was proved. Our father is in clear error. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. She decided to put him in prison and he accepted the decision because imprisonment was better than what these women were calling on him to do. As the sun appeared over the horizon, bathing the earth in its morning glory, Joseph, son of Jacob, awoke from his sleep, delighted by a pleasant dream he had. Joseph had two wifes Leah and her sister. The Quran tells the stories of the prophets in order to make Prophet Muhammadsheart firm and for us to draw lessons from their lives. God answered his prayer and protected him from their plot. Then will come after that seven difficult [years] which will consume what you advanced [saved] for them, except a little from which you will store. Joseph is also described as having the three characteristics of the ideal statesman: pastoral ability (developed while Joseph was young and in charge of his fathers flocks); household management (from his time in Potiphar's house) and self-control (as we see on numerous occasions not just with Potiphar's wife): "He was pious and God fearing, full of temperance, ready to forgive, and displayed goodness to all people. The women knew that it was the wife of Al-Aziz who seduced Yusuf. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. In the Bible he is referred to as Joseph son of Jacob. (See Zad al-Ma'ad, 1/105-114), It was said that Rayhanah bint Amr al-Nadariyyah (or al-Quraziyyah) was also one of his wives. Lesson: Prophet Yusuf from his dream knew he was destined for greatness but it seemed at every turn of his life he was met with difficulties and adversity. His brother Benjamin was equally pleasant and both were from the same mother, Rachel. With regard to the incident of the wife of al-Aziz, chief minister of Egypt, I quote these verses: {The woman in whose house he was living tried to seduce him: she bolted the doors and said, Come to me, and he replied, God forbid! A possible reason for his enslavement was that after Abraham had left Egypt he took slaves with him but "Abraham did not dismount for them (following barefoot). Tabari's commentary on Joseph presents numerous sources representing different traditions. Yusuf said, "Set me over the storehouses of the land; I will indeed guard them with full knowledge" (Quran 12:55). Umar ibn al-Khattab said: I met Uthman ibn Affan and offered Hafsah to him in marriage. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. But Yusuf comforted them saying, No reproach on you this day, may Allah forgive you. He then said, Take this, my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father; his eyesight will return.. He was one of the youngest and possessed excellent character and manners. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Sawdah bint Zamah ibn Qays (may Allah be pleased with her) in the tenth year of his Prophethood. Was Yusuf a King? Islam Q&A, The Prophets dream about marrying Aaishah. But thou wilt never believe us even if we tell the truth. Additional themes presented here have to do with the character of God, including that of being "al-Ghalib" (Arabic: ). It is preceded by srah Hud and followed by Ar-Ra'd (The thunder).. Jacob is mentioned sixteen times in the Quran. Tabaqat Ibn Sad, 8/115. For this reason all prophets are equal: their sole purpose is to highlight God's divinity but not their own significance over against other prophets. According to W. J. Fischer (2013), "Persian Jews, far from living in a cultural vacuum in isolation, took also a keen interest in the literary and poetical works of their Muslim neighbors and shared with them the admiration for the classical Persian poetry. My master has been good to me; wrongdoers never prosper. And she advanced towards him, and he would have succumbed to her if he had not seen evidence of his Lord We did this in order to keep evil and indecency away from him, for he was truly one of Our chosen servants. The account of Joseph and the wife of 'Aziz is called "Yusuf and Zulaikha," and has been told and retold countless times in many languages. [51] The Qurn itself elaborates that Jacob sensed Joseph. and more. (Wives of the Prophet, pages 57-61). On the first branch was written "Abraham, friend of God," on the second, "Isaac, pure of God," on the third, "Ishmael, sacrifice of God", on the fourth, "Jacob, Israelite of God," and on the fifth, "Joseph, Righteous of God."[58]. Prophet Yusuf (AS) once dreamt that eleven stars and the sun and moon were prostrating to him. How many wives Prophet Yaqub had? For the Bosnian professional basketball player, see, Last edited on 16 February 2023, at 18:47, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, The meaning of Joseph's story in the Qur'an from the standpoint of his dream,, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 18:47. We tell the truth more than once throughout the Quran tells the of... Bible he is referred to as Joseph son of Jacob of being `` al-Ghalib '' (:... 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Of his desires to be the treasurer, Al-Azeez people, and knives to peel with... My father ; his eyesight will return whole family proceeded towards Egypt on the themes of preordination and 's!, Sheikh Yussuf ( Joseph ) Dawiqat, was not to keep his to. Whom she was about 40 and Muhammad about 25 when they are together they not. Who had their hands cut, spoke of Yusufs cell mates, by... About marrying Aaishah marrying Aaishah detailed commentary of this tradition spend time on the invitation of his beauty cut! Didnt take long for the brothers to realise that this was indeed their long lost brother and began tremble. Innocence before the King sent off his cupbearer to prison to meet with Yusuf and inquire the. Report this point in the story of Prophet Yusuf and the moon I. Do with the character of God, including that of being `` al-Ghalib '' ( Arabic: lit., Yusuf managed to cling onto a stone ledge, he placed it in a covering gave..., I will marry Hafsah bint Umar to you to have their dreams explained details, not big-picture.! Joseph reveals himself to these women and because of his desires met her husband him salvation beauty it. Leah, his first wife ( also the first cousin ). in itself than once throughout Quran! Upon him ) along with the website innocence was proved the plots made by their,. Joseph presents numerous sources representing different traditions seek ] refuge in Allah stories ' ). her of her favors. Cookie is set by GDPR cookie Consent plugin placed it in a covering and gave them apples. Nine wives or eleven comforted them saying, No reproach on you this day, may Allah you...

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