I know these guys so well that sometimes I wonder if we are all the same person! Its 18 in a few states. Morbid memento mori themes revolving around dead children's graves is motive in art since eternity dear morally offended Karens of this sub. She never shows up. DELPHI MURDERS CRIME SCENE PHOTOS!!! It was quickly taken down, but there were people who speculated about Keener's reason for posting it. Because if he had, he would note that Leaker said that this account was only deciphered after long painstaking work with audio experts who managed to clean up the completed garbled audio on Libbys phone. That there could be other actors," reported The Sun. Ive also spoken with the Iowa lead detective on the Evansdale case. He had to do this because he had to keep pretending that he had lost his keys, and obviously his wife had never shown up to bring a new one. Once again, what are the odds that she made up a lie about a knife positioned just this way at the same time as I saw these photos and interpreted them as being of a knife positioned just this way? Do you think its possible that he might have dropped his keys in the woods during the abduction or at some point during the murders, and thats why he was parked so far away from Logans property when he knocked on Robs door to ask to search for the girls? I say this because similar posing and objects were reported with the Evansdale Murders, who LE now suspects BG of committing. I thought I read something about two eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen BG on Feb 13th 2017. Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said they are now looking into Chadwell for the Delphi murders. In fact, McCoy doesnt even exist. The document(s) are the property of a man in the community who was investigated as a suspect in this case and relate to LEs investigation of him. I dont know if theyve cleared him or not. Im from the UK and its difficult to express just much of a bunch of utter cunts The Sun are. It has to be BAM. This information comes from a retired LE officer in Illinois. "Please out of respect of the families we don't know if those are true photos.". Societies have a right to have any morals they wish to. From Reddit, Leaker is accused of lying because in the part of the audio not released, BG can be heard telling the girls hes railroad police, he spotted the girls trespassing with binoculars, the girls were were now under arrest for trespassing, and hes now handcuffing them. Motherswhosmokedduring pregnancy had nearly twice the risk of aninfant deathor low-weight birth asmotherswho did notsmoke, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK44697/table/ch5.t12/. The problem is what do we do when a man kills two girls, 8 and 10 and then kills two more girls, 13 and 14. Mr. X indeed never lost his keys. If he shot a gun that day around 3pm, other trail-goers would have reported hearing it. On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail "Abby" Williams and Liberty "Libby" German were discovered off a hiking trail in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. I am keeping the number, nature, and provenance of the document(s) deliberately vague as I am trying to protect the source who mailed them to me as photocopies. ga('ads.send', { Eventually cops find out he never lost his keys at all and lied about it, never called his wife and told her to bring a spare set and theres no spare set anyway because he lied about those two things too. Ron thought it was an odd request but he granted it because Mr. X was a neighbor who lived only 2 miles away. The state in which the bodies were left and the choice of dump sites were the same in both killings, and strange objects were found with the Evansdale girls similar to the weird objects found with the Delphi victims. Mr. Xs car got blocked in by police vehicles who arrived at the crime scene. These same document(s) in my possession say that LE is looking for photos, videos, videocameras, cameras, and film in relation to this case. There are only two cell towers in town so thats actually a possibility, albeit a remote one. Also if Mr X were in fact our guy, might this be the reason for the mixup regarding the lost key situation? at the scene ahead of time without getting caught. One of my graphic artist is a woman. The former bar owner said Its been said that I made up this rumor as some sick fantasy of mine. Logic tells us that it would have taken him longer to carry out these murders. I have a photograph of him with his daughters from 2009 when they were girls. Stat rape is probably not harmful to teenage girls. I just spoke to a woman who knows this couple very well, and she insisted to me that this man is straight up man of God type. So high attraction to girls in this range is quite normal. Spreading their legs in that sexually receptive pose was bad enough, but BG did worse than that. And if you ever write anything sensitive that we want taken down, we will contact you, ok? Phone conversation between me and and ISP detective, Spring 2017. The white thing around his neck is generally thought to be simply a white scarf. As you can see in the photo above, the object highlighted in green is obviously a knife. So Libby was posed inflicting a self-inflicted wound upon herself. Actually many of my best sleuths down through the years have been women. His voice sounds a lot like BGs, and he refers to his two young granddaughters as guys. In the videotape, his walk looks a lot like BGs walk. ga('ads.send', { Sadistic killers get a sexual arousal just from hurting people. Rumor is there was one spent round at the scene. A solution to this problem lies in the notion of pedohebephilia. And he said that the way BG walked was a dead on perfect match for BGs walk. Richard Allen, 50, was arrested on October 26 and then charged two days later with the murders of Libby German and Abby Williams that took place in February 2017. I wonder if on a rare collectors type .40 or 10 mm if a silencer can be used? Mr. Xs truck was in the way and was blocking in police cars. However, the behavior that can result from this thinking, child molestation, is very much illegal, and rightly so. I hate to bring up this subject since it sets off so many lies about me, but Im forced to because Mr. X may have an aberrant age sexual orientation and this has forensic consequences. I thought they were ridiculous. Investigators should be looking for a man with a strong focus on little girls and young teenage girls as preferred sexual objects. It may have been livestreamed over the Yello livestreaming site in France. Scotts only purpose is to be to pretend he was Leaker in order to draw suspicion away from the prime suspect, Mr. X, for unknown reasons. They did this to make Mr. X think they had abandoned him and were looking at a false suspect. A YouTuber who wasn't positive they were real. Except the neighborhood cameras caught her putting him in a truck all groggy and walking slow. Thx, I dont know a damn thing about guns. Everyone in town would think he was a standup guy, including the grandparents of girl he may have murdered himself. For the hundredth time, Im a professional journalist, and I dont make up facts about this crime case. Around the time of the crime, Mr. X was about the same height and weight as BG. No one else knew that the girls were even missing. At this time, he had a male roommate who suspects Mr. X in not only the Delphi murders but also the Evansdale Murders. I dont know why he is off limits to discuss in the other group. Why did he park his truck hidden at the cemetery directly above the crime scene? People have gone to the crime scene and fired guns, and you can hear them from the bridge for sure. Men who kill teenage girls and women almost never commit sexual murders of little girls. When? His word is good and his morals are strong. Instead I believe he either prepared the crime scene in advance with all this weird stuff scattered about or he came back after the murders and created his little Fantasyland murder scene. Theres just an odd photo that could be anything. I think that the picture of the doll being covered with a sheet is pretty offensive to people who have lost children. In the course of the investigation in However, I am very confused about the attached story--I am wondering if this is just the sharing of pictures of the woods and the bridge area? Mr. M is a pure pedophile. Its just another form of abuse from an abusive man. They always get caught up in these doubting logic traps that send them down dead ends or cause them to question the obvious. Hes also right in the midst of all the fun and games revolving around the discovery of the bodies. This brings up another theory. The Patty family said they still want to help investigators as much as they can since this investigation is still ongoing. People are making statements that the statements in this article are due to me having inside information. This is accompanied by a lot of snarkery and hostility. Rumor is she saw a lot of these documents and ran them off. I hope there's a tiny bit of comfort in knowing that Libby lives on in you in the work you do every day. And Leaker says the girls were both handcuffed. ga('ads.send', { In a lot of ways, they are better than young women. It doesnt get any worse than that. Pedophilia: Probably the most grotesquely abused word of the 21st Century. My female sleuths are not that great in logic, but their intuition is incredible. It is associated by child molestation, but not all pedophiles molest, and many can go 20-30 years without offending. 37. This man came back and told us that not only is Mr. X the prime suspect in these murders, but they also suspect him in other murders. Lindsey Jacobson/ABC News, FILE "I've always been concerned about how This roommate looked at the BG video. I think that is incorrect. Hence, Mr. Xs DNA is all around the crime scene as a discoverer of the crime. Hes the last person to make up stupid lies. One is named the Lewiston Killer. His truck gets towed and they go get it later. Chadwell lives near Delphi and looks like the man captured by Libby German on Snapchat: Its also noted that on Chadwells Facebook page, he enjoys hiking and has many photos of other scenic bridges in the area. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), We focused on the area where you can see all the camera flashes going off in a circle. Even for Ted Bundy this was considered shameful. I personally have thought the official timeline was too tight from the beginning. He says he was sent 3 pictures. I cant get enough of them. The same questions posed above apply here too. So he took a knife and stabbed her in the artery in her neck, killing her. "Jaaah?" *Notice that I am getting stricter about my criteria for confirmation of rumors in this case. Mr. X has two children, a younger daughter who is a very out lesbian and an older daughter, about 30 and unmarried. On the flip side, in the dark world of a killer, a mask and cap obscure recognition. Richard Allen, 50, was charged with counts of murder in the 2017 slayings of Abby Williams and Libby German. I have no idea why there is a gag order on the towing of the abandoned truck at the CPS building? But Kelsi had lent Libby her sweater that day. Kelsi shared a series of images from that location on Monday, February 13. Social media users following the case online spoke out against the alleged photos on a Facebook group dedicated to the murders. As far as whether I am interfering with an investigation, lets see what LE told me about my reporting on this case: ISP: We dont care what you write. It looks like he tossed bleach all over everything the girls, the dolls, the plush object, the sheet, the crucifix, the log, you name it. A fellow sleuth read an article in a local newspaper a few years ago, but she can no longer find the article among her extensive files. I know, Im such a misogynist, huh? Anyway, pure pedophilia is an age orientation whereby men are maximally attracted to girls under 13 and have little to no attraction to mature females. His sources agreed that Mr. X was someone that LE looked at very hard at least at one point if possibly not at the moment. True, that was a rumor floating around for a while, but we junked that years ago. }); Alt Left: Truly Confused Here: How on Earth Is This Article of Mine Racist? hitType: 'event', In all honesty, it seems to me that he is a little mentally underdeveloped. }); Join the best Delphi sleuthing group of all! WebPhotos of Abby Williams, left, and Libby German, right, at police headquarters in Delphi, Indiana. While little is known about Allen, The U.S. Sun can reveal that he is an employee of a CVS near Delphi, according to a source who requested to be anonymous. This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. His wife most recently worked at a bank, but she was caught stealing money from the bank two years ago and was fired. They didnt find the girls either, adding credulity to the notion that they were hard to see where they were in the dark. We think he never lost his keys, but were not sure about that. They also agreed with agreed that the girls were posed in a sexual tableau. CHILLING footage of a man linked to the Delphi killings appears to show chilling similarities to a Snapchat picture posted by one of the victims. They have his DNA. Leigh Kerr has not proven to be completely correct (though some of his testimony checks out), but hasnt yet been debunked either. Costs $20. Of course Ive never confessed to being a pedophile. Why would I confess to being something that Im not? As with sadistic rapists, 5% of all rapists, misophiles are quite dangerous. They dont like it when people lie to them like that. Does he kill them as quickly as possible to get them out of the way (my theory), and then he strips Libby completely and Abby bottomless. Back in January, it was ruled by Judge Frances Gull that the jury will come from Allen County after determining that finding impartial jurors in Carroll County would be too difficult. The document(s) are from either LE or the judicial system or both at the same time. Perhaps it is due to their friendship. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Im so sorry for this grief you have to carry. Theres nothing wrong with blue eyes or Pepto. What a chilling thought. Yes and the large picture is definitely not an infant. Some of their behavior is downright weird. If the latter is true, it is quite remarkable, but both the screams and the phone pinging at 2 AM are unverified rumors at this point. Theyre crawling all over the page. And these sleuthing detective stuff is an incredibly intuitive task. eventAction: 'click_image_ads' BG was on top of her very quickly and hit her over the head with the butt end of the gun. Probably most of these men repress or suppress their hebephilic urges which will land them in prison if they act on them and instead focus on their prosocial urges towards adult women, which are completely legal. I believe they now reside in Monticello. Your email address will not be published. This would follow from the report of the search party member below where she says that Libby had a log jammed up perpendicular to her crotch to make it seem as it was penetrating her sexually. All normal males fall into this category. When they were trying to sneak Hebephilia into the DSM-5, regular reference was made to this group. You tell me. Kelsis is the only DNA on the girls and presumably on the other objects at the scene. He was 21 at the time of the crime, and hes a dead perfect match for the second sketch. How Abby and Libby were killed has yet to be revealed by police. We regard that as unverified with substantial likelihood of being true. According to Matt Sullivan, people in his wanted to hang me on the spot for this comment. Note the knife on or near Libbys shoulder in green. Bowlin presented himself to Leazenbys office and told the sheriff that there were rumors going around that he was BG. Its possible it was all a ruse so he could retrieve his keys from the kill zone. So I consider it proven now that BG disrobed both girls below the waist and then spread their legs wide in a sexual tableau imitating PIV sex. Theres a lot more freedom in there to name names, addresses, phone numbers, really sleuth people out the way we cant do in here. Policehave not yet released any information about the evidence that led to his arrest. Ok? Oh boy! But there is a problem with Mr. X asking this permission. document.querySelector("#ads").addEventListener('click',function(){ They searched shacks in the area after the crime. Even cleaned up, you can barely hear a thing. Mr. X never lost his keys. This image is very poor, but its a match for the images below from the theoretical physicist. They didnt have enough evidence against him to bring a case to trial. Obviously we need to dig deeper into this man you are referring to. Mr. and Mrs. X are close to the Pattys. By the way, the man who did the labeling was a sheriff in a nearby county who joined our group incognito. pg.acq.push(function() { Worse, he positioned a log in between poor Libbys legs, making it appear that she was being penetrated with a log! Pauls doing some pretty nice intuitive work up above though. Theyre scared so they keep quiet. So we can see that Mrs. X referred to Mr. X as an enigmatic person who fooled her into thinking he was ok for many years, but she had recently discovered that he was a monster and a force of evil.. I can see why dude no longer works at Tribune as his work is not professional. I believe they detained him for a couple of weeks and released him. . Allen's daughter can be seen smiling on what looks like the same bridge that Libby documented on Snapchat the day she and Abby disappeared. He figured out that she wasnt dead. They continue to amaze me. Kelsi dropped them off at the entrance by the Mears property from what Ive gathered. WebTheres a YouTube video of a guy who I guess may cover the case (never heard of him before). LE: We believe we have something of yours. Remember that? He told us that Mr. X had a roommate in 2011-2012. While investigating the murders, police released an audio recording of a male voice saying "down the hill," asking the public if they could help identify the man's voice. According to the theoretical physicist, he seemed to be saying that this smiley face sheet had been hung from trees. Were wrong a lot, sure. Becky Patty, who is a friend of Mr. Xs wife, said that Mrs. X told her that Mr. X did not lose his keys. Keep in mind that I have not been able to verify this rumor. Or shall I call you Filthy? They highlighted this to make Mr. X think they were after the wrong vehicle and had abandoned the theory that his orange truck was involved. Also, I had not talked to her before I ran those photos and determined that the girls legs were spread (see photos above). . He and his wife just moved early this year. I always thought that maybe he REALLY did lose his keys,and thats what LE has, that belongs to the killer!!! Libbys hand was positioned to make her appear to be holding the knife that stabbed her in the shoulder. SOCIAL media users have expressed outrage after sleuths allegedly shared pictures of the crime scene of the murders of two teen friends in Delphi, Indiana. I agree, they look legit. The Delphi Killer is either a hebephilic sex murderer or he has a normal age orientation and is a teliophilic sex killer. We had missing Kelsie Shellie. I know from case document(s) I obtained that LE is looking for photos, videos, videocameras, cameras, film, etc. Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. Anyway, it does add suspicion to Mr. X. Ms. Y said that their marriage was a bit rocky, with a few wild fights and temporary breakups. The transition Kelsi described in her post for this year came after the 50-year-old suspect Richard Allen was arrested in October 2022, nearing the end of a long cold case for investigators. Pictures of clothing in the river. The National Read Across America Day takes place every year on March 2, Geisels birthday. We dont knows the answers to those questions. According to this woman, BG had stripped both girls below the waist and had positioned phallic shaped objects between their legs perpendicular to their crotches. They see the forest not the trees. However, I now have reason to believe that my analysis of these photos is correct. And why, when he came back into town, did he decide to go to the bridge to look for the girls when he had no idea they were missing? WordPress took no action against my website in response to Mr. Alters complaints, assuming he made any to them. One individual wrote about how they also believed this year was different, "Sending you all lots of love and hugs. Warning: What follows is horrifying information about the sexually-motivated double murders of two young teenage girls. Keep in mind that none of the wild stories above from the woman searcher are confirmed yet as they comes from a single, albeit seemingly unimpeachable, source. They ask him to move his car, he says he cant because he lost his keys. By a lot like BGs, and hes a dead perfect match for the below! By individual people and organizations Sadistic killers get a sexual tableau truck gets towed and they go get it.. The spot for this grief you have to carry out these murders since. Side, in the 2017 slayings of Abby Williams and Libby German, right, police! All a ruse so he could retrieve his keys from the beginning rumors in case., other trail-goers would have taken him longer to carry out these murders Libby German know Im. 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